
"So, that seemed to by a nice yound man", Sinistra said, "but a bit weird, too."
"Hm..." Eternia's thoughts whirled through her head. Jeremiah was quite cute, and a part time job at a pastry shop didn't sound bad. But the most important thing right now...
"Why was he so shocked about someone living here? Did the landlord mention something to you? Is there something about the house?"
"No, what should be the matter with the house?"
"You saw it too, the way he stared at us! No idea, maybe there has been a mass murder here or something like that!"

Sinistra looked at her sceptically. "Well, the house wasn't exactly in such a bad state that I would think of a crime scene. Perhaps the house was currently uninhabitated when the old owner died and then it simply took longer to get all the paper work done and transfer it fully to Mr. Indi as the heir."



"Okay, maybe you're right. But at the next opportunity I'll have to ask the landlord about this!"
"That sounds like a good plan."
"So, what is it now? When will we go to the city?"
"Oh, right! I'm still not done!" Sinistra was startled by guilt. "You could help me, then it won't take that long!"
"Great, just great..." Eternia gave her an annoyed look.



A thought crept into the elementalist's head. "Hm. To get back to that ghost..."
The other one pricked her ears. "Yes?"
"Well, the elements in this house are a bit upset, to be honest. I heard them whisper last night."
"Ugh... So, what does that mean?" Eternia gulped while Sinistra shrugged. "Well, perhaps there's really a ghost here. Or this place has been an occult site once. Or, or, or... There's so many possibilities..." She told about this in a casual, almost happy tone, almost like she was talking about the weather.



"Sinistra! Would you mind being a bit more serious about this?! Ghosts!" Eternia flailed her arms, appalled.
"So what? It isn't neccessarily an evil ghost..."
"Ghosts don't pay rent! We do! So we have a right to live here but a ghost does not!" Eternia insisted.
Sinistra bit her lower lip. "Fair enough... I took some semesters in necromancy but I'm not exactly an expert on this. If you want, I can ask Elizabeth tomorrow if there's someone in town who can have a look at this."



"Oh my. If it's so urgent I'll have a little talk with the elements later, alright?" Sinistra tried to appease her while kneeling down to stuff the dry leaves into the bucket with her bare hands. As it turned out that was actually easier than using the spade.
"Please do! Ghosts!" The blonde was speechless. She wasn't afraid of ghosts but she was still horrified at the prospect that the rumour might be true. 'If that's true and word goes around only UFO nutters and total nerds will be interested in me! No way!'



"Now leave that foliage be and change, so we can go to the city!" she asked of her housemate and resolutely opened the door. "It's bad enough that Jeremiah saw me in the sweaty clothes from yesterday."
"Indeed, I planned to put on something clean after gardening, too", Sinistra agreed with a sigh, stood up and brushed some grass from her skirt. "But I'm not done yet! I'll just end up dirty right again later!"
"Sinistra, it's autumn. When we'll come back the garden will most likely look like it did early morning, again!" Without further ado the blonde vanished inside the house and the other secretly agreed with her.


Dolltopia 0019 <- # ->