Dolltopia Outtake

"Nareen!" Eternia smiled broadly when greeting her old friend. "Finally a true star coming by!"
"Hello, Eternia! Hello, Tamara!" The necromancer smiled. "What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, forget it", Tamara said. "Eternia is just suffering from delusions of grandeur."
"Hey!" The blonde sent her a complaining look before turning back to Nareen. "How are you? You barely come by anymore."
"Actually I'm well, thanks for asking. When you stand on the shelf in the livingroom you're really close to the action."
"But the readers almost never hear from you!"
"Duh! Seekers will be back. That's enough fame for me then", Nareen said humbly.

Dolltopia Outtake

Since she had already gone through a move before and knew the process the necromancer handed her items over to Eternia unasked. "So how's my successor doing?"
"Sinistra? Oh, she... tries hard." Eternia smiled encouraging, which in turn made Nareen laugh. "He, you don't have to pretend nothing happened. I noticed that she had an accident right in the first week which sent the shoot on hiatus."
"Ah!" The blonde took a deep breath. "I should have known that. You know, I miss you, but Sinistra is okay. She's a lot like you."
"Really? We used to visit the same school, you know. Back then she was terribly clumsy, though. Way more clumsy than me!"

Dolltopia Outtake

"'ello! Is this here the meeting point for box 1?" asked the angel who suddenly approached them. She had a thick French accent.
"Damn!" Eternia was shocked and even Tamara looked surprised.
"Wow, you're so pretty!" Nareen said promptly and deeply moved.
"Lewd boots!" Eternia managed to say with a pressured voice.
"... in the truest sense of the word," Tamara added. "If that's no real angel..."
"... then she is a stripper." was Eternia's conclusion too.
ALa laughed. "Mon dieu! Non, non, I'm not a stripper!"
Tamara paused for a second. "Well, in that case I hope you can still remove your wings somehow, since you won't fit in the box with them."

Dolltopia Outtake

"Oui! That's is no problem!" The angel actually took off the wings after handing her staff over to Nareen. "Here you go!"
"Oooookay..." Eternia eyed her closely. "If you aren't a real angel then and also not a stripper - what are you? Your fake accent is just as suspect as your garter."

Dolltopia Outtake

"A little bit of both, perhaps? It's none of your business!" Laughing ALa threw back her hair and with swaying hips walked towards box 1.
"Wow, Eternia, I wonder if you just got competition?" Nareen asked in awe. "She looks really good!"
"And she wears 'lewd boots'", Tamara reminded her friend umoved.
"Oh, shut up, both of you!" Eternia demanded. This year at Halloween she would ransack a different clothesline than Nahh-Ato's. A totally different one...


Moving - Victorique and Fei <-- # --> Eternia and Raven Queen's dressing table