Dolltopia Outtake

"Well, what du you think? Does this look good on me?" Eternia asked with a giggle.
Tamara looked at her appraisingly. "Looks a bit too big for me."
"I know. It's for curly hair."
"Or it just got bigger and bigger while sewing. There's some rumours going around about the sewing capabilities of the boss..."
"At least she's getting better all the time, though." Contendedly Eternia threw the hat in the box. She was happy that they still had some time here and there to have a little bit of fun while packing.

Dolltopia Outtake

"Ew, this one isn't my taste at all!" Eternia commented shortly after.
"I think that one is for one of the Isuls."
"Alright then! As long as I don't have to wear it!"
"Apart from your fashion troubleds, just how many bonnets and hats to we have now?"
"Uhm..." the blonde one quickly counted the few items still laying on the floor. "If I didn't miscount it's 33."
"Well, then half of us can face the next winter..." mumbled Tamara with a weary shake of the head. "We don't have jackets and almost no socks and next to no decent outfits, but at least our heads stay warm."

Dolltopia Outtake

Tamara silenced when she noticed Eternia freezing and looking at a red Christmas bonnet conspiciously intensely. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"That is... his bonnet", the blonde one said silently.
"Whose bonnet?" asked Tamara who actually knew pretty well whom this was about. She wanted to see Eternia's reaction.
"Don't pretend to be stupid! Sol's bonnet. He wore it on Christmas back then."
"And you totally ignored the poor fellow."
"No, I didn't!" Eternia exclaimed. "I had a nice talk with him! But what was I to do, with Mir on the party and suddenly there was Yuki and then everything kinda went down the drain..."
"Still, you had all time in the world to flirt with Wati and Arion. But not with poor Sol. How he must feel now, tsk, tsk, tsk..." The black haired woman observed her friend closely.
"Hm." Eternia fell silent for a while. "That's true. I looked so great and still Wati only had eyed for Nahh-Ato!"
"I thought we were talking about Sol?" Tamara inquired merciless.
Eternia fell silent again. Then she threw the bonnet in the box and said with a pout: "Whatever! In all that time he didn't even bother to call me once!"
"We don't have a telephone, though..." Tamara sighed and let it go.


Moving - Yuki and Sanada <-- # --> Moving - Wilhelma