Dolltopia Outtake

"Oh boy! I look absolutely gorgeous!" Eternia swooned about herself and let her fingers run through her silky hair that she had combed for half an hour. "I can barely decide what to do next! The perfumes look exciting but the make-up box is well-filled, too!"

Dolltopia Outtake

Raven Queen came in, switched on the light and leaned on the wall besides the desk with a slightly unnverved face when she noticed Eternia. "Look, I'm glad you like my stuff so much, Eternia, but would you kindly tell me when I'll be allowed to use my own room again?"
"Tomorrow? No, next week? Or next month? I don't know yet, Raven. I'm sorry but this is just too good! You don't mind, do you?"
"No, of course not..." Raven's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Dolltopia Outtake

"Say, Apple White", Raven Queen shortly after said to her friend whom had joined her. "You're very afraid for your future because I refuse to become the evil queen, aren't you."
"Yes, you know I am. Oh, Raven, does that mean you finally changed your mind?"
"No way!" Raven insisted, which led to a sad expression on Apple White's face. "Follow me and have a look."

Raven pointed to Eternia who sat at the table, giggling and admiring herself. "How about a replacement for me? A new evil queen?"

Apple eyed Eternia intensely. "Hmm... I don't know. She has some potential."
"I should tell you then that she occupies my room for four days now."
Now Apple nodded, satisfied. "You know, maybe she could become a better evil queen than you would ever manage to!"
"Thank you, Apple. That's the biggest compliment for me!"


Moving - Nareen and ALa <-- # --> Moving - Arion and Brian