
When Eternia reached the livingroom, Yuki was busy peeling herself out of the plush costume. Elizabeth sat silently in her armchair. She didn't even blink, and the sisters barely noticed her presence.
"That thing stinks," Eternia said in disgust. "How long have you been running around in that?"
"Some weeks," Yuki said quietly, still pouting.
"Weeks! What are you doing away from home?!"


Yuki jumped up. "It wasn't home! After you ran away, it wasn't home anymore. I was all alone!"
"That isn't true and you know it!"
"Yes, I was all alone! So I went out to find you and bring you back!"
"No, you weren't! I left you in Arashi's care!"


"My, it must have been hard for the young one to take your place on Mir's side," Elizabeth said calmly when Yuki remained silent.
"Hey, you shut up!" Eternia snarled. "What're you doing here, anyway? This is a private conversation!"
The vampire didn't move. "That is what happened, right? You came here to flee service for Mir."
"I said shut up!"
"At first it was okay, but then something happened. Right, little one?" Although she was talking to the young girl, Elizabeth nailed Eternia to the spot with her gaze.
To her sister's surprise Yuki answered. "Yes. The Sacred Gem was stolen from the temple because I wasn't strong enough to guard it."


Yuki plopped down on the sofa, folding her arms as she looked away. "The whole clan was in uproar! Arashi only talked about the Gem. Ryu was gone too. When we got clues about the thief, Mir sent Yoriko overseas to look for the Jewel."
Eternia gulped. "If the Jewel is gone, then..."
"Yes, that's right!" Yuki screamed with wet eyes. "I was all alone with the white dragon! For weeks! Because you ran off to have parties with your precious friends!"


Eternia sat down besides her sister, but Yuki turned her head away.
"Listen, Yuki, I... I had no idea what was happening."
"Of course not! Ms. Ashamed-to-be-a-ninja was too ashamed to be a ninja to leave an address with her sister!"
Eternia sighed and Yuki sniffed. "I'll never forgive you, Tahome."
The sound of her true name made Eternia shiver slightly.


In the garden, Sol was waiting for a good moment to talk to Wati. When Nahh-Ati showed her big sister the tricks she had taught to Filou and Nahh-Ato froze to the spot in sheer horror, he quickly took his chance and approached his captain.
"Captain Wati, sir, could I ask a favor?"
"Sure, Sol, what is it?"
"Uhm... I know this is our free day and all, but... could I go back to work?"


"I... was hoping I could take the night shift today and get a free afternoon instead. On Tuesday, maybe?"
Wati was surprised, as Sol had never asked about switching shifts before. He felt like he had missed something crucial today, but at the same time he had to laugh.
"Sol, you haven't even taken a single of your free days this year. Sure, take Tuesday afternoon off. Take the whole day off, or the whole week. You don't have to work for that today!"
"Sorry, Captain. I still have problems grasping the concept of contractual free days." Sol blushed a bit.
Wati laughed even harder. "Yes, I knew it was risky to hire a former adventurer. Just do what you want, Sol. I have enough men to guard the palace."
"Thanks, Captain." Sol grinned boyishly and said goodbye.


"Oh, you're going home already? The night is still young, Sol!"
"It can't be helped, I'm afraid."
"Oh well, then goodbye. See you later!"
"Uhm... wait a moment, please!"
"Yes?" Tamara looked at him curiously, but it was the cruel curiosity of someone who already knows what's coming.
"You are... err... you're a good friend of Eternia, right?"
"Yes, so?"
"Maybe... Could you tell me what she likes? I mean... if I wanted to take her out?"
"Honestly, Sol, you must know this." Tamara looked at him sternly. She almost felt sorry for him. "Perhaps Eternia won't have time for you at all. Today she got more presents than she asked for. If you want to take your chances though... Try it on Friday and just take her to the city. She'll love anything modern... a movie, a concert, ice cream... something like that, you know?"
"Thank you! I'll keep that in mind."


When he was gone, Giselda grinned at Tamara. "He likes Eternia a lot, huh?"
"Seems like so, Giselda."
"That makes me so happy!" The wingling beamed with joy. "Everyone should have someone to love! I hope Eternia likes him too!"
"Giselda... if things only were that easy."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"You'll see soon enough."
"Bah, I hate secrets like that!"
Tamara stayed silent for a little while, then she said, "Giselda, may I ask a favour?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Will you keep teaching me how to cook?"
Giselda's face lit up like a lamp. "Of course! Anytime you like!"


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